
Substance Evaluation Report on Methylene Chloride published

After Italy concluded the substance evaluation (SEV) of methylene chloride under CoRAP without further need for data in May 2019, the SEV conclusion report of Italy was published on ECHA’s Substance evaluation - CoRAP website in late August 2021. Italy intends to submit its official CLH proposal by 10 December 2021 (see Registry of CLH intentions until outcome), which is the starting point for the CLH process to change the classification & labelling of a substance in the EU.

Italy sticks to their CLH proposal as announced in August 2019, while ECSA members, operating via the Chlorinated Solvents REACH Consortium (ChlorSolv), are confident that the proposal is not justified in view of the plethora of high quality data. ECSA and Chlorsolv members will therefore review all options to challenge the proposed classification.