REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals)

REACH is a regulation of the European Union, adopted to improve the protection of human health and the environment from the risks that can be posed by chemicals. In principle, REACH applies to all chemical substances; not only those used in industrial processes but also in our day-to-day lives, for example in cleaning products, paints as well as in articles such as clothes, furniture and electrical appliances. Therefore, the regulation has an impact on most companies across the EU. REACH requires registration of all substances that are placed on the EU market, be it by manufacturing within the EU or by imports.

The Chlorinated Solvents REACH Consortium was formed by European producers of chlorinated solvents including all ECSA members in 2009 to coordinate the registration of chlorinated solvents. ReachCentrum is acting as secretariat for the consortium. The following substances have been successfully registered by ECSA members in 2010 for volume bands up to >1000mt:

  • Dichloromethane (DCM) or Methylene Chloride (EC 200-838-9; CAS 75-09-2)
  • Chloroform (CFM) or Trichloromethane (EC 200-663-8; CAS 67-66-3)
  • Carbon Tetrachloride (CTC) or Tetrachloromethane (EC 200-262-8; CAS 56-23-5)
  • Tetrachloroethylene or Perchloroethylene (PER) (EC 204-825-9; CAS 127-18-4)

More information about this REACH Consortium is found here.

Below are the marketing & use restrictions listed as by REACH:


Annex XVII, entry 59:

No use in paint strippers for consumers and professionals; use by trained and certified professionals only in member states, which have granted an exemption (currently: UK). Use of DCM based paint strippers by industry only in closed systems with effective ventilation and by trained employees. Please find the full restriction here


Annex XVII, entry 32: No supply to the general public. Used only in closed industrial systems. Please find the full restriction here.


CTC was formerly restricted under REACH jointly with CFM, however this restriction has been withdrawn, as CTC is already tightly restricted by the ODS Regulation.


PER is not restricted under REACH.


Please consult the webpage of the European Chemical Agency ECHA for further information on authorisation

Other Restrictions


Cosmetic Regulation, Annex II, no. 1389: No use in cosmetic products for consumers or professionals. None of the other chlorinated solvents under ECSA are compliant to the use in cosmetics or any other consumer use.

See details in the section ODS Regulation